A new poll finds that 68 percent of American adults support the legalization of marijuana for medical use. Compared to just 12 percent of those who oppose it in 1969, support for legalization has increased substantially over the past decade. Additionally, since the Obama administration made it legal to use marijuana for medical purposes, the number of states that have gone so far as to legalize it has risen.
According to the poll, a majority of Americans support legalizing marijuana for both recreational and medical use. While there is a clear divide between the two, support for legalization is greater among those between the ages of 18-29 and those with a college degree. Meanwhile, the opposite is true among people with higher incomes. Republicans also support legalization, with four-fifths citing the possibility of legalizing marijuana for medical use.
According to the poll, 48 percent of adults in the U.S. support legalization. However, the results vary by gender, age, education, and household income. Women and college graduates are more likely to support legalization than men. Similarly, those with higher incomes are more likely to favor it than others. Only a minority of Americans who are right-leaning oppose legalization, while over eight out of ten Democrats and independents are in favor of it.
Despite the fact that most Americans still consider marijuana a drug to be illegal, public support for legalization is higher than ever. More than half of U.S. adults oppose its use and believe that the federal government should keep it illegal. For those who think legalization is the way to go, the poll shows that the sales of the drug will hit $17.5 billion by 2020, and this is likely the most important year in the history of the industry.
The poll also reveals that marijuana legalization has bipartisan support. Only 8% of U.S. adults believe that marijuana should be illegal. In fact, it is highly unlikely that anyone will ever have an opinion on this issue. A recent Pew Research auto blueberry domina seeds Center survey found that support for legalization is at an all-time high among Americans. And although older people are less likely to favor the controversial substance than younger people, they still show strong support for it.
The survey also found that marijuana legalization is popular with most demographic groups, with majorities of Democrats and Republicans in favor. Among the demographics, Republicans are less likely to oppose legalization than their counterparts. In addition, it is supported by 66 percent of Americans. Despite the high level of support for legalization, it has not yet reached its limit.
The poll results are encouraging for legalizing marijuana in the U.S. Despite opposition to the controversial drug, this is a sign of positive progress for the nation. In the poll, eight7% of adults surveyed say they weed news support the legalization of marijuana, and only 2% of those who oppose it would rather keep it illegal in all circumstances. Those who oppose the legalization of marijuana say it’s dangerous for their health.
The results of the poll also show that support for legalization of marijuana is increasing among both Democrats and independents. In the poll, most Democrats and independent voters favor legalization of marijuana. In the poll, most independents support it. Sixty-six percent of seniors say they’ve tried it, and more than half of women have. Those who oppose it say that marijuana is dangerous to their health.
The poll also showed that Americans overwhelmingly support legalizing marijuana. This is the first time that this issue has been ranked among voters. More than 70 percent of Americans support legalization of marijuana. In contrast, only 8% of adults support its prohibition. While this is an increase, supporters of legalization should not get too excited about this new poll. In the future, the United Nations is expected to pay closer attention to this issue.